Thursday 3 December 2015

What are the layout conventions of Little White Lies?

The image is always placed at the top of the page, with the film title underneath and centered - which is the largest font and also coloured. The directors name, release date and cast is placed beneath this, also centered and smaller. There are normally 5/6 paragraphs of text regarding the film review, the first letter is larger than the others and goes three lines down. At the bottom left there is a tripartite rating system.

  • The film title font is 'Century Gothic' 
  • The actors/directors name, release date and main text is 'Aparajita'
  • The page is 196mm wide and 245mm long
  • Each collum is 52.4mm wide and roughly 107mm long
  • The image is 108mm wide and 70mm depth 

1 comment:

  1. Good. You have just under two weeks left now. A lot of work to do on the poster. matt and sophie will be key to your success so ensure that you use P4 for some extra help. Equally, ensure that you have added all the finishing touches to your film - title (which needs to link with film), sound. Busy couple of weeks ahead.
