Tuesday 6 October 2015

Audience feedback


We asked 5 people what they think about our short film idea. This was their feedback:

Our synopsis:

"Our short film is about a young couple trying to cope with the loss of their baby. Claire (mother) suffers from phantom pregnancy which means that she believes her baby is still alive and still sees him. For example, in our film there will be a variety of shots where Theo (the baby) is present in Claires eyes however we will have a POV shot from Wesley's (dad) perspective and the baby won't be there. As a result of Claire's inability to cope with the loss of Theo, she overdoses and dies. Our short film will begin with a flashback of Claire and Wesley when Claire is pregnant, where they are happy and looking at baby clothes in the nursery. Claire's hallucinations causes strain on their relationship as Wesley doesn't understand her condition and Claire is constantly trying to convince Wesley that Theo is still alive. This drives Wesley to take Claire to the graveyard and show her Theo's grave, which triggers her overdose." 


Question 1: What do you like about our film?
Question 2: Where would you expect to find it?
Question 3: What would you change?

1: I like the storyline because it's not too complicated and you will be able to sympathise with the main character.
2: I would expect to find this film on a professional short film site.
3: I would maybe turn the ending around by the husband finding her and helping her get through this.

1: I like how you spin around the happy beginning.
2: I would expect this to be shown on YouTube.
3: I would maybe change it so they haven't actually lost the baby.

1: I like this film because it sounds like a typical drama.
2: I would maybe expect it to be shown on TV.
3: I would change it so the man is grieving instead.   

1: I like how it's quite simple so you can make it really good.
2: I would expect to find it on Vimeo.
3: I would make it more like a thriller because I find this genre boring.

 1: I like the idea of her overdosing at the end because that will come as a shock.
2: I would expect to find it online, on a website or on YouTube.
3: I would make a bigger thing about how the main character is feeling.

 Evaluation of our results

From our results, we may focus more on Claire to create more sympathy. When we come to writing about the distribution, we will consider all those websites to put for where to show our film.

1 comment:

  1. This should be continual. You need to show evidence of continually asking your audience for feedback and show how you act on this feedback. You mention that you will alter the character above - be specific - how will you alter them. Which scenes ?- what is it as it stands and how will you change it.?
