Friday 2 October 2015



First, we looked up how to write a script...

We found a website with the scripts of famous films...

Final script:

Scene 1 -

They are in the baby's nursery in their house. Wesley is talking to Claire's pregnant stomach.

Wesley: Can't wait for you to be born, you're gonna love your room. 

He looks up to then talk to Claire.

Wish he would hurry up and come!

Claire smiles and laughs.

Claire: I'm not sure he's able to hear you yet

Wesley: Once he's older he won't listen to me, I should get used to it!

Scene 2 -

Claire is sat on their sofa, watching a child's programme on TV. Wesley comes in the front door from work.
Claire looks at Wesley coming in.

Claire: Good day at work?

Wesley realises Claire sitting there and pulls a face.

Wesley:  Not too bad, just the usual. What are you doing?

Claire: Just watching this with Theo, he loves this programme - it's his favourite.

Wesley looks annoyed and confused. He sighs.

Wesley: Okay, whatever. I'm going upstairs now, call me when dinner's ready.

Claire doesn't look at him, she stays focused on the TV.

Claire: Okay.
Scene 3 -
Claire is in the kitchen making a bottle for Theo. Wesley walks downstairs, then past the kitchen. He doesn't notice what Claire is doing.

Wesley: Morning.

Claire replies to Wesley from the kitchen, and they carry on talking like this.

Claire:  Morning, I'll make you a coffee in a minute.

Wesley doesn't sound very grateful for this. He switches on his laptop.

Wesley:  No it's okay, I just need to finish typing up what happened at the interview yesterday, then I'll get a shower and have something on the train to work.

Claire: Okay if you're sure! 


You don't want to take any in your flask?

Wesley is slightly annoyed now.

Wesley:   No, I said it's okay.

Claire is too busy staring at the bottle to notice that Wesley is annoyed. She turns on the kettle.

Scene 4 -

Wesley is home watching TV. Claire walks in from grocery shopping. He looks at the shopping bags and what's inside. He looks extremely angry and a little upset.

Wesley: Why have you got all this stuff, what's wrong with you?

Claire looks confused and defensive.

Claire: What do you mean? I just went shopping with Theo, we needed more things for him!

Wesley is slightly more calm now; he feels sympathy towards Claire.

Wesley: Theo is gone Claire, it's time you started to realise that. I'm so sorry. He's never coming back.

Claire sits down and suddenly looks completely lost. Wesley sits next to her and holds her hand. He speaks calmly to her as he stands up, still holding her hand.

Wesley: Come with me.

We see them both getting into their car, Claire looks even more lost and walks slowly. Wesley does her seat-belt for her.

Scene 5 -

We then see they are at a graveyard, Wesley is still holding her hand and is walking slightly in front of her.
We see them hugging in front of a grave. Claire is crying.

Wesley: I am so so sorry. He's in a better place now. It's time to let go Claire.

They arrive back home. We see Claire slowly walking upstairs.  

Scene 6 -

She sits on the bathroom floor with a pill bottle in her hand, she is staring at it with no expression on her face.  
CU of her holding a handful of pills.
We then see her lying on the floor - she has overdosed.




  1. Give some indication of time for each scene - when are these taking place.
    Before baby born
    How long after baby was born or died and so on.

  2. Good. The film will really benefit from some scenes where they are preparing for the birth - remember the things that we discussed - outside a baby shop, photo of a scan, going to the hospital. These will add some depth to your film and require more complex planning where you will have to go outside the comfort of a home location. I would say that the success of this will be hugely increased if you can secure and film in these external locations.
