Thursday 8 October 2015


The structure of our short film is non-linear as the film starts with two lots of flash backs therefore the story isn't told in chronological order.

Todorov's theory:
  • Equilibrium - This is when Wesley and Claire are standing in their unborn baby's nursery talking excitedly about The being born.
  • Disruption - This is when Theo dies and the couple are heartbroken.
  • Confrontation -This is when Claire thinks that Theo is sill alive and keeps seeing him everywhere.
  • Resolution - This is when Wesley takes Claire to see Theo's headstone in the cemetery and explains to her that he is dead and not coming back.
  • New Equilibrium established - this is when Claire decides she can't cope with the loss of her baby so she overdoses on pills and dies.

The short film 'Flashback' has a similar structure to our short film as it has a non-linear structure and it begins with a flash back  just like ours.

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