Tuesday 6 October 2015

Sound design

Sound Design

At the beginning of our short film (for the flashbacks), we will use uplifting and lighthearted non-diegetic sound. There will be some dialogue to emphasise their happiness. 
After this, we will introduce a depressing non-diegetic soundtrack instead. There will also be dialogue, but this will instead show how their lives are falling apart. We will make the diegetic sound stand out for the ending (with the pills.) 
Ambient sound will be used throughout to show that this is their life and how life is passing by around them.

For the last scene when Claire is having a breakdown, we will need the diegetic sound of a baby crying. This one was the best sound I found; it will be easy to download and I think the baby sounds really sad (which is ideal).

 We will also need the sound effect of a heartbeat to emphasise panic in this scene:

This one could be used for the buildup, and then something like this when we use jump-cuts:

For our soundtrack after the soundtrack, we will use this music as I think it creates sympathy and will be fairly easy to edit the sound levels of it.

It was difficult to find sound that will work for our flashback scenes, this was the best one I found:


We will also need the sound effect of a children's TV programme being watched. Depending on how much of the TV we will show, we may just record sound from an actual TV programme.


1 comment:

  1. The idea is to start to actually research this - go beyond the idea. So start to find copyright free sites and explore the types of music avaialable and embed these into the post.
    Find a pill bottle foley and list the others that you require.
    Embed the technicians film on their website about how to record dialogue.

    You need to make these ideas become real Ok.
