Tuesday 20 October 2015

Experimating with jump cuts

In our short film we will be using the continutinty editing technique jump cuts. A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. This type of edit gives the effect of jumping forwards in time. We will be using jump cuts in our short film to emphasise Claire's breakdown as the jumpcuts will signify her emotions. We practiced doing this so then when we start making our short film, it will be much more efficient when making this effect.

These are some examples of jump cuts:


  1. Sorry to have to say this, but this post illustrates well where you are going well. You have a good idea here for a post, but you are failing to make the most of it.

    You need to add -
    1.What a Jump Cut is - this can be a definition and perhaps you could have a hyperlink to a definition somewhere.
    2. An example of where this has been used in a film or drama - embed the imagery
    3. An explanation of how you have constructed your jump cut sequence - why does it jump - what did you have to do to achieve that - 3 different distances, different perspectives.
    4. You should have also filmed yourself making the jump cut.

    This is how you achieve Level 4 - you need to do a lot more than you are in your posts and really think it through. This would get a level 2 as it stands.

    Generally, you have a great idea and plot. I just worry that you will allow things to slip because you seem to find it hard to motivate yourselves - as I said today, you need a leader. The images of the shop, the hospital and the scan photos are all good examples of that - they should and could have been completed 2 weeks ago. AIM HIGHER! You aklso need to book yourselves into an editing session with matt or sophie during a P4 to avoid very arduous and painstakingly slow editing sessions.

  2. should say "going wrong" not "going well"

  3. Read your other blog post entries - you still have lots to act on.
