Monday 2 November 2015

Shooting schedule

First shooting (Tuesday 3rd Novemeber) - This will take place at the nursery as it will be the flashback scene. We will then shoot the scene in the cemetery. For this scene we will need lights as we're filming it in the evening. For the flashback scene Claire will be wearing a dress and will be looking healthy. We will need to bring a change of clothes for Claire as the graveyard scene is a different day in the film. By this point, Claire is in a rough stage of her life therefore she looks unhealthy and run down which is illustrated in her make-up which we will need to bring. For Wesley, we also need to bring a change of clothes to signify the different days.

1 comment:

  1. Your later post does not have evidence of the nursery scene - do you have something that you can add to the other post to evidence that?
