Friday 27 November 2015

Poster research - Breaker Breaker


The names of the actors are shown at the bottom of the poster, some names are in bigger text than others and the name 'Pat Healy' is the biggest and stands out. This suggests that its the name of the main character. 

There is an image of a male character which takes up a large amount of the poster, this could mean that he is the main character. He is wearing a policeman/sheriff hat which tells us that he is a figure of authority. The title is in big, bold red font at the bottom of the poster, the first part is on top of the main image. 

At the bottom of the poster, there is the name of the production company and their Facebook and Twitter page with the logos. This is to gain recognition as they're a small production company and therefore want to gain recognition. 

Media Language 

The main picture is a medium shot of a male character from a low angle to reinforce his authority. He is wearing a beige uniform which looks like a police uniform, and a hat and sunglasses. He appears to be looking into the distance, and as an audience we are unsure what that is he is looking at. It is fairly colourful as the sky is a deep blue and the title is red,


The poster represents masculinity, and also the representation of policemen due to the uniform. 


The audience is probably adults, mostly males and people of the police force. 


Not a lot is given away by the poster, therefore all we can assume is that the plot is about a policeman. 


Possibly drama.

1 comment:

  1. Note he is shot from a low angle to reinforce the idea of his authority.

    Good Jess.
