Friday 27 November 2015

Film poster research - Bend It Like Beckham




The character's names aren't shown on this poster, but the main character is shown. They are in character (we can see this from the costume and prop that she's holding). It looks as though the character's head is 'up in the clouds', which could represent how she has dreams that are extremely difficult to achieve.

The main text is kept away from the main image, it gives most of the attention towards the main image. The design is used to look like it has actually been bent, and the colours link to the cultural background of the main character. The title (and all of the other text) is shown over a sky background. This links to the film and also is quite plain to make everything else stand out. 
The main text is only slightly larger than the rest of the text, this is to create more emphasis on the main image. The text design is also bent to link with the title name, and could also be symbolising a goal post (as this film is about football). All of the texts' colours represent the main character's cultural background. They could also possibly represent their football uniform.

The slogan "A winning comedy" is used, which tells us that this is a comedy and also entices the reader by using the word "winning".

A website for the film distribution company is shown on the poster - this means that people can go onto this and find out more information.

There are two critic reviews and two award logos shown at the top of the poster - the Entertainment Weekly & the Mirror, and Sundance & Toronto international film festivals. The critic reviews attract people who enjoy lighthearted films, and the awards attract people who know a lot about films. 

The billing block of this poster merges into the background design; it's blue. 

The poster tells us that it's out this Spring, which means that people will view this and will start to get excited about watching this when it's released.

M conventions from the romcom genre are shown in this poster; the colours and bright and colourful. There is also a hint of the sport genre with the football boots and the sky. The character is shot from behind to hide her identity - which is a hint of the storyline.
R the girl is represented as being a Punjabi girl, who has a hidden passion for football.
A the target audience for this film would be teenage girls, who may also enjoy football. It could also be targeted at those of the Punjabi religion. It would also appeal to British Asians as a whole, due to the problems the character faces (which will be relatable to this audience) and the outfit she's wearing. The shoes are shown in order to conflict against her sari.
N the narrative of this film is a football fanatic who also seems to be Punjabi.
the genre is a sport romcom.     


  1. Does she have her head in the clouds a bit? Dreams that are difficult to achieve?
    Winning - competitive
    Target Audience will again be for Film buffs, but in addition, the film should appeal to British asians. Make for of the costume - traditional punjabi attire which adds to the idea that the hidden boots will be the cause of conflict.

  2. Well done Ailsa. You have completed all 4 poster analysis. These will get you into mid level 3 - well done.
