Monday 30 November 2015

Sight-Short film poster Frances

Sight Short Film Poster


A close up picture of a male's head fills the whole poster. This man could be the main character in the movie, he looks as if he is in character as he is staring straight ahead into the camera with a blank facial expression which gives the poster a slightly thrilling edge. The title 'sight' is placed over the male's forehead so it stands out. The title is written in block capitals and is a light blue/white colour. The male's eyes appear to have some kind of illusion inside which could have something to do with what the movie is about, perhaps this male character is blind and the reason he is blind is revealed in the movie. The character's forehead and the skin around his eyes is slightly blurred which makes his eyes stand out more, suggesting that his eyes are a key element in this film. The back ground behind the male's head is completely black which gives us no indication of where this film may be set.

There are no tag lines or critics ratings on the poster or even a production block. There is only who the film is by and names of two of the actors, this lack of information creates mystery on the poster. There isn't an age rating or a release date on it either.

Media language

The male character looks around mid thirty's, he has a high forehead and stubble on his face. Although we can't completely see, it appears he is wearing a grey blazer with a white shirt. He has dark circles under his eye which could be a key element in the film, perhaps its due to lack of sleep or a drug/alcohol problem. There is a light shining on the left hand side of the characters face but apart from this, the poster is dimly lit with low levels of lighting, this lack of light and colour suggests that the film may be a thriller.


This film represents masculinity and disability because the poster represents that the character on the poster is blind.


The intended audience for this film could be males 18-30 as the colour scheme and layout suggest that it is aimed for an audience who enjoy thrillers.


Not much is given away about the storyline on the poster but we can guess that this movie is about a man who struggles or cant see at all.


Thriller or horror.

1 comment:

  1. I can't view the image!
    Dont forget to discuss the layout conventions as well of the text.
