Friday 27 November 2015

Poster research - 71


One actors name is shown on the poster, which is the character seen in the picture. This suggests that he is the main character and is the main focus which is why no other characters are named. Also, a reason for this could be because Jack O'Connell who is the actor seen in the picture has a large fan base, therefore by having his name and picture on the poster is attracts a wider audience. The name of the producer of the film is also stated on the poster, but in smaller text than the actors name. Their names are placed either side of the title, perhaps to attract attention to them. The title is in large, white text at the right side of the poster.

The main image fills the poster, of a male character holding a gun wearing a soldier uniform. The colour has an effect to create the feel of a war zone, and in the background of the picture there is smoke coming out of the house and crowds of people, The image fills the whole poster, therefore the text is on top of the image. There is critics praise for the film at the top of the poster in fairly big, bold text reading "EXTRAORDINARY" which would attract the reader.

There is a billing block at the bottom of the film poster, which is fairly generic. The word "Entertainment" is at the bottom of the billing block.

Media Language 

The main image of the male character is a middle shot, and he is wearing a soldier uniform and hat which is a blue/grey colour. The poster as a whole is blue/purple/white and the text compliments it, The gun and uniform signify the fact that this is a war film as does the colours. 


The poster represents masculinity, war and soldiers fighting for our country. As this is a British film, it represents British soldiers.


Due to the main actors fan base, the audience would be both genders - mostly females, from teenagers to adults. Judging from the critics, reviews and rewards the film is targeting well-educated people.


The narrative is about a soldier, therefore the film will portray the struggles of war. It is set in 1971 and as it is a British film and you can see terrace houses in the background, this must be about the conflict in Ireland when England were at war with the Terrorist group, the IRA.


The genre is war.


  1. When analysing audience, consider the critics and reviews and awards. These films really target film fans and if the reviews are highbrow, then it will be quite an educated audience that they are targeting. Yes, they will pick up other audiences along the way. all of the film awards are also significant. Such emphasis on one character tells you a lot about the film

  2. Do you know why it is called 71. It is set in 1971 and as it is a british film and you can see terrace houses in the background, this must be about the conflict in Ireland when England were at war with the Terrorist group, the IRA.
