Wednesday 25 November 2015

Film poster research - Dissonance



The actor's names aren't shown on the poster - this is another minimalistic short film poster. The information on this poster is limited to the title, billing block and one logo for a competition. 
The text is kept away from the main image, all the information is kept at the bottom. The image still carries on behind this text, but it's made to look like a plain black background. This keeps the attention towards the main image, and helps towards the eerie effect the design has.
The billing block is slightly to the right, with an award to the left of it. This could put more focus on the award (as a way to advertise this film). 
The image must have been made by Photoshop, and the colouring also looks as though it has been edited through this.  

The title 

The main image they have used is an image of something that represents the earth, with houses all around it. It also has flat land with houses below it. The yellow background represents the sun, the beginning of life/ morning - this could be hinting towards the narrative.

There is one reference to a short film competition based in Berlin. This will attract an audience that are interested in international short films, and people who know about this competition.

 The title is much larger than any other piece of text on the poster; it is spaced apart to stand out even more. It also gives it a slight sci-fi look to it - this could link to the film as it already looks as though it could be this genre. The text matches with the rest of the poster; it looks really eerie. The colour is used to stand out, and also contrasts with the background of it.

M the short film includes different conventions of different genres. From the main image I would guess that this film was about the world - possibly how houses are taking over the land. The wires coming from the bottom of the earth also makes it look as though this could be a sci-fi.
R the poster could possibly represent how we are running out of space for houses, and it could also be representing the natural beauty of the world.
A the target audience for this short film would be both gender, and adults as it looks like the idea behind the film could be difficult to understand. It would also be people who are extremely interested in international short films, and know of the competition it was in.
N the narrative that this poster is telling is something about the world.
G the genre of this film would possibly be a sci-fi. The font used for the title is the main reason as to why it looks like it's a sci-fi.


1 comment:

  1. What does dissonance mean? That might suggest a clue.
    Layout of text is centred but interestingly, the billing block is justified to the right and is opposite the award which is justified to the left.
    Why the yellow sky?
    Level 2/3
