Monday 30 November 2015

The pact- Frances

The pact

The image on the poster is of old fashioned brown wallpaper perhaps in someone's house, with a face and two hands appearing as if they are trying to push through out of the wall. The lighting at the top of the poster has high levels of lighting however the bottom of the poster is black underneath the face trying to push through. There are no actors names that appear on the screen however there is a tag line 'are you alone in your house?' this suggests that the movie might be about a house getting possessed by some of evil spirit. There are critics comments and a production block right at the bottom of the poster.

Media Language

The tag line and the face trying to push out of the wallpaper suggest that the movie is a thriller however this is the only character we see and nothing is revealed about the actors in this film.


The audience intended for this film could be 18 and above because it looks too scary for anyone under this age.


The genre of this film appears to be a horror because of the low levels of lighting and and the tag line.


The only thing on the poster that suggests what it could be about is the tag line. The tag line suggests that the film is about a family who's house is getting haunted by an evil spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Colour - the slight sepia effect is imp as it suggests the past. Again, don't forget to mention the text and how this is played out - again, it is a very basic centring technique.

    Well done for getting all 4 posters analysed. You just get into L3 for this.
