Monday 23 November 2015

Film poster research - Sorice


The names of the actors aren't shown of this poster, possibly because they aren't known for doing anything else and are upcoming actors. I think another reason why they didn't show this could be to limit what they have on the poster - as clearly the design is very minimalistic to create a mysterious and purposely dull look to the poster of this short film.  

The title is kept away from the main image in order to emphasise the importance of this character, and also the text is placed near to the rope to draw attention to this. 
The background used is gloomy and grey, this could represent the whole mood of this short film. The character is faced away to hide his identity, this means that we instantly fear this person, and we wonder what they are trying to hide. Overall, the poster is extremely basic to keep our attention on the character shown.

The main image is the main character in the short film - the effect of this is to make people wonder about this character and it also shows how significant this character must be. 
A rope is shown to suggest violence and death.

The film poster has a reference to another film, which would mean it attracts one type of audience (people who enjoy watching short/ independent films). It also refers to the fact it's an "Angelo White film", which would again attract a specific audience.

The film website is mentioned to encourage the audience to go onto this and find out more information, which would then encourage them to watch the film. This is a common method to use nowadays as it's easy to look websites up, and this will also link to social media sites (which means the word will be spread).

The size of the title is bigger than all the other text on the poster, but doesn't stand out much due to the thin design of the text. This is unusual for film posters as usually the title of the film covers most of the poster. I think they have chosen it to be like this to emphasise the importance of the character shown, and it also gives it more of a secret identity (as the title isn't even that clear).

The colours used are linked to the darkness of the film; they are all dull and sinister. The text also delivers this effect by using a sans serif design.

The billing block has been adapted to fit in with the poster by using a font colour that merges with the background, and it is positioned with the other text. 

The main character (that's used for the main image) is placed over a non-image, plain grey background - which makes them more powerful and mysterious. It also means that the focus is just on this character.

A central layout is used for the film poster, in order to make the character look even more significant, and to aid the minimalistic look of the poster.

M the poster uses many typical conventions of the thriller genre, and also some from the horror genre. It is very dark coloured and the main character/ main image used does not reveal the identity - this creates enigma and fear. Enigma is also bought by the lack of text on the poster. The rope signifies death, as well as the costume worn by the character.
R the character represents death by wearing black and having no obvious identification (we don't see their face).
A people who enjoy thrillers and horrors will look at this poster and the design will convince them to watch this. The target audience for this short film would be young men who are interested in short, independent thrillers/ horrors.
N the story we are being told through this poster is that this person has either died, or has bought death. We instantly feel afraid of this character due to their costume and the overall colours of the poster. Also we link the rope to committing suicide by hanging.
G the genre is clear - it is a thriller or possibly a horror.


1 comment:

  1. One important thing is that we cant see the characters face! Why? The rope suggests?
    Don't forget to mention the layout conventions - Here a centring technique is adopted.
