Thursday 26 November 2015

Poster research - Flyspy


The names of the actors are shown on the poster of the Sci-Fi short film 'Flyspy'. They're shown at the top of the poster in the centre in small writing therefore they're not very eye-catching, although the surnames are bigger and bolder than the fornames, possibly to gain recognition and publicity.

 The main image on the poster is of a fly with camera for eyes, which reflects the film title. From this, it suggests the plot of the story which is that the fly spys through its cameras. The character isn't the main subject of the poster, but there is a women in a doorway at the back of the poster. This could mean that she is the victim of the fly's spying, creating an eerie feel and creating enigma. There is
 text above the title in white font reading 'watching was not enough' which implies that it's taken further than just spying on the women which creates suspense for the audience as it doesn't give anything away however it hints. 

The text has some of the letters replaced with symbols which signify cameras as they're upside down play buttons. The title is a bold part of the poster as the text is large and it is placed under the main image so that it doesn't draw attention away from it. 

There is a billing block at the bottom of the poster, which is fairly generic. It is in small font. 

Media Language 

The poster as a whole is very dark and mysterious and has the conventions of a thriller. The background image is dark as it is portraying the image of a fly on a floorboard in an empty dark room. There is light in the background of the image to show that the door is open, with a female character in the doorway. The female character is also very dark, giving a shadow look. The main image of the fly is lighter than the overall poster, making it stand out. Although it is also dark, it has little detailed coloring in it such as green and blue. There is low key lighting, creating an eerie feel.


Femininity is represented due to the female character in the background. She is wearing a skirt, and is thin, It isn't clear about her features as the directions have made it suspenseful for the reader to keep an element of surprise, however from what is visible it looks like she supports the femininity stereotype of big breasts and bottom.


The audience for this film would be both genders, who enjoy the sci-fi/thriller genre.


The narrative of this story seems that a character in the film has made a fly to spy on the female shown on the poster.


The genre of this film is a sci-fi but has the conventions of a thriller. 

1 comment:

  1. Some good analysis here. Regarding representation, you might comment that that familiar theme of female as perhaps being the victim is being suggested.
    Don't forget to note the layout convention, this is a pretty standard centring of text. However the image is interesting regarding the composition as the female is behind the fly and to one side.
