Monday 30 November 2015

The one I love- Frances

The one I love

The poster for this low budget independent short feature length film appears to be hand painted. The picture is of a middle aged man with brunette hair and glasses and a stern facial expression, He is standing in what looks like the ocean, there is a reflection of him in the water his reflection looks identical to him apart from the fact that his reflection doesn't have any glasses. There is a young woman in the water next to him, she looks a good 5 years younger than him and has long blonde hair and an evil expression on her face. Her reflection in the water seems to be identical to her. The title is written in block capital across the whole of the screen covering part of both characters faces and the names of the two main actors is written in small font underneath. At the top of the screen in a critics appraisal and the generic production block appears at the bottom of the screen.

Media language

The media language suggests that male character in the film has two identities as his reflection in the water is different to his actual face.


The representation of this movie might be love as it shows two characters, a male and a female and they both appear to be naked in the water.


Not much is given away about the narrative on this poster however it might be about a young couple that fall in love.


The genre for this film may be a romantic comedy due to the setting that the two characters are in.

1 comment:

  1. again, don't forget to mention the text and how it is laid out - here a basic centring technique is used.
