Friday 11 September 2015

Black Hole - Ailsa






This short film starts with diegetic ambient sound of an office. The effect of this is to emphasise the bizarre black hole that appears later. We see a MS in which is facial expression is emphasised by him being framed with a deserted office. There is also no dialogue throughout which emphasises the character’s loneliness and isolation.


Throughout the sequence we are shown CUs of the man’s facial expressions, to emphasise what a strange thing he’s just found. The screenshot below shows him up close, eating chocolate. This could represent his hunger for finding out what else he can do with the black hole.

Tracking is used to show the character’s eye line match, it shows the audience that this door is important and keeps them guessing for the reason why.

As he breaks into the room, he turns on the lights and they flicker. This could symbolise that something isn’t quite right and it is going to end badly. 


The frequency of the editing is fast paced once he starts getting the money out of the safe – this highlights how the character is feeling (desperate, excited.)

Lots of CUs are used for this short film because it then makes the audience feel like they’re seeing into his thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Really good layout Ailsa - really easy to follow.

    To improve - bit more depth, colour code the 4 different codes?

    Low L3.
