Friday 11 September 2015

This is Me - Ailsa


 We’re introduced to this short film with a voiceover of a man introducing himself. From this, because of the stereotypical wife character “Beryl”, we can tell that this will be a comedy – despite the fact the main character having a “total paralysis” in hospital. 

The way the wife is presented is with flashy jewellery and the man’s voiceover helps emphasise this with his sarcastic dialogue, whilst we see her reading a cruise brochure. Throughout the whole dialogue the character makes jokes such as having “more tubes than the London underground”, which makes it clearer that the genre of this is a comedy. 

There is then a transition into seeing the main character that is in hospital, now sunbathing in his back garden. This is comedic as he’s a typical British man that’s on his summer holiday – beverage in hand, Hawaiian shorts, gold chain and looking rather overweight. This is also accompanied by Hawaiian – style non – diegetic sound. Again, the dialogue makes this a clear comedy. 

We are then introduced to Max – and another genre (animation) is introduced to show the process of him digesting a toy aeroplane.  It also uses animation to show how the waste from the aeroplane toilets is dispersed. 

The whole diaglogue is reflective and the film is based around the memory of what happened to the main character. There are also many puns used to add to the comedic genre of this short film, as well as repetition. It ends with a trophy which has the toy aeroplane on it. This is ironic - a typical convention of the comedy genre.

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