Friday 11 September 2015



We are introduced to a young male character, who looks like she could be around the age of 13/14 years old. This suggests that the target audience could be for the younger generation and middle class because it is based on a middle class character and the audience could easily relate to the character.

His costume and the props in his room such as earphones and tape recorders suggest that he is middle class. There is a cut where the boy is laying on his bed, and off-screen diegetic sound plays followed by a cut (MS) of the boy putting his ear to the wall which makes it clear to the audience that the singing is coming from the other side of the wall.

It cuts to a young girl of the same age as the boy singing to the music that he gave her(CU).  there is a shot reverse shot sequence and parallel cutting and from the boys facial expression you can see that he is happy. Both characters are acting like they are with eachother, not either side of the wall from eachother.

He begins singing along and they both begin to dance at the same time however on either side of the wall and it becomes clear that it is a love story. I think the target audience is young children aged 8-13, mostly females because females could relate to this with something similar to them happening in their lives.

1 comment:

  1. A good analysis
    It is likely that this targets an older audience - its a nostalgic film about first love in an analogue age.
