Tuesday 22 September 2015

Money Box - Ailsa

Money Box

MONEY BOX- 5 min short film from Muzappar Osman on Vimeo. 2014.

Media language and narrative


This short film begins with an establishing cityscape shot for the background to the title - this sets the scene. 

Bright and eerie non - diegetic sound is used as it tracks up to a vending machine. 

A LS of someone hooded is seen to walk up to this, this creates enigma as his identity is hidden and hoods are usually a sign for crime. There is a buzzing non- diegetic sound as he approaches, which also creates enigma and some confusion as to what this is coming from.

 The camera is filming the character from a slight high angle as he is seen to enter the money, it is also an example of an over-the-shoulder shot to focus on the machine. A CU of the amount of money entered emphasises the importance of this amount. 

 The camera films all the different options using handheld, which effectively allows us to understand the excitement/ confusion he faces with choosing between all of the different choices. The CU it uses also makes it so the audience only focuses on this. It also allows us a closer view of the prices - which is significant in this short film.

The camera looks onto his hand holding his change from a high angle, this creates sympathy as we can clearly see he doesn't have enough.

The non - diegetic sound gets a little more uplifting as we see a CU of they money coming back out, but this time with $10 (this is emphasised by the CU.) This is then followed by a CU of his confused facial expression that is observing the money.

As he enters this $10 note, we see a CU of his smug facial expression that shows how pleased he is with himself. This is then followed by $20 notes then being dispersed. 
After this, more and more CUs show money coming out continuously.

We are shown the character admiring the money from a low angle. The effect of this is to get inside the character's mind to show how glad he is and how powerful he is now feeling. 
We get the same bright, eerie non - diegetic sound as the camera tracks up to a BCU of his proud face looking at the money. 

This emphasises even further how happy he now feels, and his eyes are framed with the money to show this is now the only thing he is thinking about - he is excited and has almost got a little carried away.

In contrast to the character receiving the money, we are then shown fast paced edits of CUs of him putting in a continuous amount of dollar notes. Whenever we are shown the money, the volume of the non- diegetic sound gets louder to emphasise the amazement of this.

The character's facial expression suddenly changes, we are seen him from a MS which is unusual and it is clear he is thinking. This creates enigma for the audience as they want to find out why he is looking like this. 

We are shown the character getting his credit card out of his wallet, followed by an eyeline match of the Bank opposite him. This then shows the cash machine by zooming in, which highlights how his attention starts to focus on this more and more, and tells us through the concluding CU that he will draw money out. 

We are shown a MS of him entering even more money in anticipation (shown by his facial expressions and body language.) We only have diegetic sound to show that he is doing this, it also emphasises the anticipation as it's silent and we only focus on this. CUs of him entering the money is shown by dissolve transitions.

After seeing him put even more money, and CUs of the amount he is receiving, we are shown him pressing the coin return button. After this, we see the establishing shot that we saw for the title, but this time the lights are going out.  This is emphasised through the diegetic sound of electricity going out. 

There is a dark lit birds eye view of the character - showing something has happened to completely take this power he has. 
Sheer panic is shown through a BCU of him, and his facial expression. Only ambient sound is now heard, and he bangs the vending machine in frustration.

The city's power comes back on (emphasised by diegetic and non diegetic sound,) and we see a CU of the vending machine stating there is no money coming out now. Siren-like non diegetic sound shows the character from birds eye view, CU and many more other shots in complete anger and panic. 

 The camera tracks out to conclude the short film, showing the character looking at the vending machine - this makes it looks as though he doesn't want to give up on the fact there is no money coming out for him. 

The narrative for this is purely linear.



The man is represented as being someone who becomes too obsessed with money; when he gets a lot he feels powerful and positive, and when he looses everything he is weak and angry. 


The genre is a mix between black comedy and drama - as it conveys a message in a lighthearted way.


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