Tuesday 29 September 2015




Our short film is about a young couple trying to cope with the loss of their baby. Claire (mother) suffers from phantom pregnancy which means that she believes her baby is still alive and still sees him. For example, in our film there will be a variety of shots where Theo (the baby) is present in Claires eyes however we will have a POV shot from Wesley's (dad) perspective and the baby won't be there. As a result of Claire's inability to cope with the loss of Theo, she overdoses and dies. Our short film will begin with a flashback of Claire and Wesley when Claire is pregnant, where they are happy and looking at baby clothes in the nursery. Claire's hallucinations causes strain on their relationship as Wesley doesn't understand her condition and Claire is constantly trying to convince Wesley that Theo is still alive. This drives Wesley to take Claire to the graveyard and show her Theo's grave, which triggers her overdose.

1 comment:

  1. That is a good idea - you have access to a baby. Get permission in writing or filmed from mother please. The only complex permission is the Graveyard which you need and is crucial for the authenticity of the film.
