Wednesday 23 September 2015



Media language

Mise en scene

The film starts with non-diegetic music sound track of sad classical music playing. The screen is black and this point then suddenly the title 'THE FALL' cuts on screen. The first scene we see is a LS of the top of the building, the colour of the scene has a high grey scale which creates a lonely dull atmosphere for the audience.

 We are introduced to a young man as he walks across the shot with a non-confident body language as his arms are just flopping by his side. As our protagonist walks across the shot the lighting and colour of the screen gets so bright that it gets to a point where we almost can not see our protagonist. The scene then cuts to a MS of the male character standing at the edge of a building and you can see a busy city in the back ground of this shot. Our character has a blank facial expression as a MS shows him checking his phone (prop). A ECU shows the protagonists phone and a picture of what appears to be him and possibly his girlfriend or wife are the lock screen of his phone.

 The scene then cuts to a MCU of the male character as a disgusted facial expression appears on his face, he looks away at the phone. A hand held camera shows the ground beneath the building and it seems that he is quite far off the ground. The shot then cuts to a MS of the characters face and his facial expression shows he looks scared and afraid. The next scene is MS of the character getting up onto the edge of the building ledge, all the while non diegetic music sound track is playing in the background of the scene. A LS shows the protagonist standing on the edge of the building, swaying and then cuts to the handheld camera again filming the ground beneath him. Then a MS shows our male character jumping off the edge of the building. The final shot is a ECU of the characters phone (prop) that he left on the building ledge before he jumped off the building and the words 'IM SORRY' appear on his phone, the scene then cuts to black and then non-diegetic music sound track stops.


This short film represents masculinity and death as the story tells us that his girlfriend has had an affair so he jumps off a building and kills himself


The plot of the story is that the young mans girlfriend or wife has has an affair which has obviously affected him massivly so he commits suicide. The story is told in a linear structure.


The genre of this film is a thriller


  1. Shame, you have run out of steam and this is not as strong as the others. Also choosing films that are so short was not really the idea - 5 mins shows you more realistically hat is possible in that time frame.
    Pretty tragic film all the same!

  2. Well done Francis.
    Some of the earlier posts are too similar to Jess's but your own 5 films are clearly your own work. Never be tempted to use friends work, or vice versa.
    Low L4 work.
    Well done
    All ready to start planning now,
