Monday 21 September 2015


LONE HUNTER from noahabe on Vimeo.


Media language

Mise en scene

The film starts with a fade from black into an ECL a forest with snow topped trees accompanied with a non-diegetic music sound track which an echoed/chiming kind of music. As the camera is showing a forest the music sound track becomes parraellel sound as we would associate a forest with being quite echoed and empty which is what the music sounds like, therefore it fits in well with what we see on line. The words 'lone hunter' appear on screen and as this happens the non diegetic sound track.

There is then a quick short cut followed by a series of high frequency cuts which switch from a man running through a forest to an ECL of possibly the forest that the man is running through. As the frequency gets faster and there is a non diegetic music sound track of a high pitched ringing sound which gets louder and louder with every cut. After a few seconds of these high frequency cuts there is a MLS of a male character who's costume is made up of an orange hat and army print top and trousers. The character is around middle aged with a ginger beard. His choice of costume suggests that he is hunting and wanting to be camouflaged in the forest. After a few second focus on our protagonist there is a loud foley sound of a gun shot after the gun shot has taken place there is silence as the music stops.

There is then a tracking shot of the tree's in the forest and then it cuts to an ECU of the protagonist holding a prop (gun). The shot then cuts to a CU of the characters facial expression which suggests he is concentrating and intrigued as to what he has just shot.The lighting in this short movie is low key lighting which suggests that the film could be a thriller. Next the camera cuts to a POV shot of the protagonist walking through the forest, due to the use of a handheld camera it makes the character look like he is being followed by someone or something. There is then a cut to a low angle shot of the protagonist and a diegetic sound of wind blowing. The character walks over to the thing that he has shot and his facial expression becomes horrified and confused. There is then a long shot of the protagonist standing holding his prop (gun) and a diegetic foley of a russling sound which allows the audience to realise that something's not quite right and the male character is being watched. Again the camera switches to a handheld camera which backs up the idea that he is being watched. There is then high frequency shots of he protagonist running through th woods with his gun. This series of events creates enigma for the audience as we don't know what is happening or what is going to happen next. After a few seconds of an ECU on the characters face there is a non-diegetic music soundtrack followed by the diegetic sound of falling snow and then a shot reverse shot which cuts from the protagonist to the trees then back again. The high pace non diegetic music starts to increase the tensity of the scene. An ELS shows a dark figure moving through the trees, from the POV of the protagonist. As this happens the non diegetic music gets louder and more high pitched as he starts to chase after whatever it is he can see and then there is a MS of our protagonist with his prop (gun) and a diegetic sound of him loading it.

As he hides with his back against the tree the non diegetic music sound track gets louder which suggests that this is building up for something to happen. An MS of a POV of the protagonist shows another character hiding in the woods possibly who our protagonist is looking for. Next the camera cuts to a POV shot of him aiming his gun at this second character and an ECU and the diegetic sound of the protagonit pulling he trigger tells us that he has just shot the gun. However, a quick cut to another ECU of the protagonists face shows his facial expression is shocked and a MLS shows that the protagonist has just been shot himself. The use a prop (blood) splattered on the protagonists costume tells us that he has been shot. When the shooting has taken place the non diegetic music stops and the only sound we hear is a high pitched ringing which gives the impression to the audience that the protagonist is going to die. An MLS shows us him falling on the ground clutching his bloody wound. The camera then cuts to a LS of the forest with cut after cut of different parts of the forest, as this is being shows the non digetic music sound track is played again. Next a low angle long shot shows a character identical to our protagonist walking over to the dead body with a horrified facial expression clutching his prop (gun) then the camera cuts to an ELS of the protagonist's face then the camera cuts to black.


Lone hunter represents masculinity as it is about hunting which is a common male activity. The clothes he wears are stereotypical clothes that a man hunting in the forest would wear and the setting along with his prop he holds throughout (gun) make is clear from the start that he is hunting for someone or something. The male character's prop (gun) appears to be expensive and the costume which is an orange hat, camouflaged jacket and black trousers the protagonist wears looks fairly new and expensive so this suggests that the male character is of a middle class.


Todorov's Theory

  • Equilibrium-This is where the hunter first shoots his prey.
  • Disruption-When he notices his prey isn't just any old animal
  • Confrontation-When he's running through the woods chasing something
  • Resolution- When he gets shot
  • New equilibrium established- When he walks over to his body and realises he's shot himself

Roland Barthes

Roland Barthes identifies action codes due to the high paced music at the start of the short film and allows the audience to guess that something is going to happen due to the music creating a tense atmosphere.


The genre of this short film is a thriller which is made clear from the start due to the low key lighting and choice of music.

1 comment:

  1. L4 - excellent analysis and fantastic presentation - love the colour coding.
