Friday 11 September 2015

Black hole

1)    Black hole – Media Language 

The sequence begins with the title ‘black hole’ in white letters on a black screen. A circle appears on the screen in the middle of the frame and opens wider to reveal the setting (establishing shot) which appears to be an office, and there is diegetic sound of printers/photocopiers. 

The camera moves forward to reveal a male character (MS) who is wearing a white shirt and tie which suggests that this is his place of work. His facial expression looks very tired and bored as he looks down miserably and there is on-screen diegetic sound of him sighing, possibly because he doesn’t enjoy his job. It cuts to a photocopier and presses a button (CU) and then it cuts back to the male character (MS) as he looks down at the photocopier confused as it’s not responding. There is a shot reverse shot sequence as it cuts back to the photocopier where he presses the button numerous times aggressively (CU). It then cuts to a LS which reveals to the spectator that the man is alone in the office. There is a cut to CU of the man kicking the photocopier which shows that he is getting impatient and frustrated. The lighting is de saturated, almost black and white however there is low key lighting. It cuts to a side angle MS of him looking down and an eye line match to the printer. There is a sound bridge as diegetic sound plays printing noises. Then there is a cut to a CU of a piece of paper coming out of the printer with a big black circle in the middle of the paper. 

It cuts to a MS of the man taking the paper out of the printer and an eye level CU shows the man looking confused. He opens up the top of the printer to try and solve the problem however continues to look confused. It cut to a low angle of the man drinking from a white plastic cup. The perspective of this shot is one from the hole. 

He unintentionally places his cup in the hole and it disappears. It cuts to a POV shot from the hole as he stares into the hole, confused as he retrieves his cup. An unpleasant non-diegetic noise plays as he reaches into the hole, suggesting that something sinister could happen. There is a cut to side angle MS of the male character holding the paper and staring at the black hole. He places his hand through the hole numerous times and you can see the amazement in his facial expression when he realises hes discovered a black hole.
A long shot shows the character walking over to a vending machine with the on screen diegetic sound of his shoes hitting the floor. This sound suggests that the rest of the building is silent and he is still alone with no one around to see what he has discovered. Each time he puts his hand through this black hole the same eerie soundtrack which may be played on the drums or piano is played which suggests that this thing he has found is in some way evil. A medium low angle shot shows him reaching into the vending machine. We hear the diegetic sound of wrappers crunching (Foley sound) which makes it clear to the spectator that he is fiddling around with sweets or chocolate. He is then shown taking a snickers bar without paying.

As he eats it (ECU) there is on-screen diegetic sound of him chewing and his facial expression is very smug as he looks around, it then changes to serious. He makes his way towards a wooden door with ‘KEEP OUT’ written on it. He uses the black hole to open the door and goes inside. The lighting is very dark, suggesting that something bad could happen and to signify the fact that it is forbidden for him to be in there. He puts the black hole on the door of a large safe. He is crouched down (MS) and is looking around, wary that someone will walk in and see him stealing. It cuts to an ELS of him followed by ECU as he gets the money out of the safe. The camera tilts upwards from the money to his face as he holds it and smiles down at it.

It cuts to MS as he reaches back into the hole and then a cut to a CU of the pile of money on the floor. The variation of shots continue as he reaches in to get money out of the safe and adds it to his pile. There is a CU where he climbs into the hole, in order to for fill his greed and take all the money in there. The evil non-diegetic sound when he climbs in is a lot louder than when he would put his arm in, giving the spectator a hint that it won’t end well for the man.

A long shot shows the black hole on the piece of paper coming unstuck from the safe and falling off onto the floor, leaving him stuck inside. The long shot then cuts back to an extreme long shot to create the idea that there is no escaping the safe. The only sound we hear at the end of the film is the diegetic sound of a photocopier in the back ground and the sound of the male character tapping quietly from inside the safe, however too quiet for anyone to hear. This short film is trying to give the message not to be greedy.


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